Magic: The Gathering Deck-Datenbank

Zur Übersicht
Sacrifice / dying creatures
Dalarus, 26.03.2009
Typ 1.5-Legacy
Maindeck (60)

Kreaturen (28)
2 Deathgreeter
2 Scavenger Drake
2 Hissing Iguanar
4 Rockslide Elemental
2 Fallen Angel
2 Shirei, Shizos Caretaker
2 Vein Drinker
2 Golgari Thug
2 Infectious Host
4 Mogg War Marshal
2 Mudbutton Torchrunner
2 Festering Goblin

Sonstige Sprüche (12)
2 Vicious Shadows
2 Ashnods Altar
2 Incinerate
2 Blaze
4 Bone Splinters

Länder (20)
10 Swamp
10 Mountain

Its my first Deck after a long break, need tips & comments plz )


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Kommentare zu diesem Deck
26.03.2009 von Sylence:
You could try Banefire instead of Blaze, since you can make a lot of Mana with the Altar.
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