Magic: The Gathering Deck-Datenbank

Zur Übersicht
Bo28, 09.07.2021
Maindeck (180)

Kreaturen (135)
4 Bloodlust Inciter
4 Defiant Khenra
4 Hyena Pack
1 Lathnu Sailback
4 Minotaur Sureshot
4 Mogg Flunkies
4 Nest Robber
4 Ampryn Tactician
4 Anointer of Champions
4 Cleric of the Forward Order
4 Elite Vanguard
4 Inspiring Captain
2 Serra Angel
4 Stormfront Pegasus
4 Veteran Armorer
4 Deadbridge Shaman
4 Deathgaze Cockatrice
3 Hand of Silumgar
4 Sengir Vampire
4 Typhoid Rats
4 Ukud Cobra
4 Walking Corpse
4 Cloud Elemental
4 Frost Lynx
4 Messenger Drake
4 Mist Raven
4 Moon Heron
4 Seacoast Drake
4 Vaporkin
2 Borderland Ranger
4 Cowl Prowler
4 Druid of the Cowl
4 Giant Spider
3 Gloomwidow
4 Quilled Wolf
4 Spined Wurm

Sonstige Sprüche (45)
3 Act of Treason
4 Chandras Outrage
4 Open Fire
2 Divine Verdict
4 Pacifism
4 Assassins Strike
4 Mind Rot
1 Sip of Hemlock
4 Disperse
4 Divination
4 Giant Growth
3 Lay of the Land
4 Prey Upon

Länder (0)


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