Magic: The Gathering Deck-Datenbank

Zur Übersicht
Weiss Black Deck Fun
Berndt, 19.09.2008
Maindeck (70)

Kreaturen (23)
1 Deathbringer Liege
2 Mirri the Cursed
2 Restless Apparition
1 Shade of Trokair
1 Nezumi Shortfang
1 Adarkar Valkyrie
3 Chilling Shade
1 Purity
1 Woolly Razorback
1 Voracious Hatchling
1 Royal Assassin
1 Divinity of Pride
1 Stronghold Overseer
1 Agent of Masks
1 Stillmoon Cavalier
1 Figure of Destiny
1 Evershrike
1 Dread
1 Ghastlord of Fugue

Sonstige Sprüche (23)
2 Ethereal Haze
2 Grim Harvest
2 Disenchant
2 Awe Strike
2 Gelid Shackles
2 Edge of the Divinity
1 Darkness
2 Pillory of the Sleepless
2 Demons Horn
2 Angels Feather
1 Divine Congregation
1 Pentarch Ward
1 Hex
1 Gilded Lotus

Länder (24)
7 Snow-Covered Swamp
6 Snow-Covered Plains
6 Plains
5 Swamp

Bin für jeden Rat offen Danke.


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